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If you would like to be a part of the Margarita Online Workshop, but do not need supplies, purchase a ticket to the online workshop

In this FUN workshop, we will teach you step by step, how to create your very own Margarita Glass work of art.

Once you purchase a ticket to the workshop, you will receive an invitation. The invite will be sent via email, messenger or text message.

(THE LIVE EVENT HAS ALREADY BEEN COMPLETED. can still purchase a ticket to watch the replay of the 3 day event & watch it at your own pace. 

Wanna be a member of Glass Addicts Supplies - our (Free) private Facebook group? Click Here to join our family & get first dibs on all the fun!! 

💚Need to order Kits? Click the links below:

Classic Margarita DIY Glass Kit

Strawberry Margarita DIY Glass Kit

Epoxy Resin Kits

Color Kit - Classic Lime Margarita 

Color Kit - Strawberry Margarita 

We would love it if you sign our GUESTBOOK while your here. 

SALE ENDS ON MONDAY 6-19-23 @ 12:00pm CST

Glass Addicts Creations & Supplies

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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